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tamoadmin 2024-06-28
1.乒乓球拍(横拍正手扣球进攻,反手防守)配置推荐2.乒乓球底板(蝴蝶-陈静(横)30231)如何配套胶问题!3.有关网球的全英语介绍4.关于STIGA occ




4.关于STIGA occr




乒乓球拍的套胶就是胶皮和海绵粘在一起的那层东西。现成套胶有正胶、 长胶、 生胶。反手根据自己的技术特点,几种套胶都可以选择。

1、正胶。其特点是击球旋转力强、击球稳定、易控制,适合弧圈型或弧圈结合快攻型打法。由于击球稳定,控制球好,因此也是初学者首选的类型。对于专业选手而言,又有多种不同性能的反胶海绵拍供选择,如胶皮粘性强、配套的海绵软而厚,因而有很好的“咬”球及“裹”球特性。反胶海绵胶皮是直、横拍选手目前最常用的胶皮,几乎100%的欧洲选手均采用此种胶皮,亚洲选手也有近80%选手使用。因为这种胶皮比较好地兼顾了速度与旋转的要求。 目前国际超一流选手中,绝大部份都使用反胶胶皮。 打反胶的选手都希望胶皮有高裹力,即胶皮面要粘,这样才能有高的摩擦系数。




现在波尔用的是Timo Boll ZLC,芳碳纤维板。有机胶水时代,他用的套胶两面都是蝴蝶的Sriver,正手换过Sriver G2;改无机以后,现在波尔两面用的是蝴蝶的Tenegy 05。











关于STIGA occr

Tennis (tennis) is a beautiful and vigorous campaign, the sport's origin and development can be summed up in four sentences: bred in France, was born in the United Kingdom, and the popularity of the beginning of the formation of a climax in the United States, now popular around the world, said For the world's second largest ball games. Modern tennis in general, including indoor and outdoor tennis tennis in two forms. Tennis originated 12-13 century French missionaries in the church corridors in the palm of your hand with a ball game. The court later became an indoor entertainment and recreational activities. It was also suggested that tennis should be traced back to the origin of "the Hundred Years War" (1337 ~ 1453 war between Britain and France) in France before the spread of a civil Mingjiaohaiou de Wumai the ball game. It is said that this game is for two people, each one armed racket, golf course around the walled, the ball hit the wall after the bomb went back and then over the net. As a result, in terms of the use of space and equipment, or the conduct of the games approach, with modern sport, there are many similarities, so it was regarded as the sport's original shape. By the mid-14th century, France, a poet, this ball game introduced to the French court, as the noble men and women of the royal family entertainment. At that time, to play this game, is the site of the palace hall, there is no net and no rackets, the balls are rolled with a cloth after the round tied with a rope into the. Site set up in the middle of a rope for the community, to use two hands to make a racket, throw the ball from the ropes to throw, called the French Tennez, English is called "Takeit! Play", which means: "seize! Lost in the past," today "Tennis (Tennis)" the phrase that comes from this. Soon, the wooden racket was used in place of two-handed tap. In the early 16th century, the game ball by the French people, out of curiosity began to follow the example, quickly spread to major cities and at the same time to improve the equipment. To create a more durable ball, beat parchment sheet read by the board, making surface area to enlarge, grip the handles are longer. Space in the middle of the rope to increase the numerous short rope to the ground dropped the ball from the rope through the following can be clearly found. France's King Louis was later banned, and that it is the prerogative of the court in the game. In the early 17th century, the site is no longer in the middle rope curtain, and the use of small sub-grid network, the network's role better than the curtain, beat the network to switch to threading film, flexible and lightweight convenience. In court in France for this game, next to the stadium to place a golden container, after each game, the audience will be after the money invested, as the winner of the prize. This approach is intended well at first, then gradually evolved into a kind of gambling. The number is still small at the start, the more time goes by the bigger gamble, even to go bankrupt, therefore, the dispute after another, the King of France was banned for such a game again, and this is tennis in the early 18th century, the main reason for the decline.

In about 1358 to 1360, this ball game spread to France from Britain. Britain's King Edward III of particular interest to have ordered the construction of a palace in the indoor stadium. Since then, the beginning of tennis popular in the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom to become a kind of upper class entertainment, there is a "noble sport" Blair said. This period is mainly popular indoor tennis. Until September 29, 1793, the United Kingdom in a "sport" magazine, only the "tennis venue", it is called.

Modern history of the sport in general from the beginning of 1873. That year, British沃尔特克洛Compton Winfield early to improve the tennis game, make it a summer on the lawn for a sports and the name "lawn tennis." In the same year also published a "lawn tennis" has been published on such activities to publicize and promote themselves. So Winfield referred to as "the founder of modern tennis." Since then, tennis has become an indoor, outdoor sports can be carried out. At the same time, the British set up around the tennis club. In 1875 and established the All England Tennis Club. The club built the world's first tennis court, and in 1877 organized the All England Lawn Tennis Championships men's singles, that was world-famous Wimbledon tennis tournament. Tennis to carry out a wide range of activities and competitions have become increasingly frequent, there is no uniform rules, of course, is not acceptable. So in 1876, and in some areas by well-known tennis clubs to send their representatives to attend meetings to discuss research and the development of an all-British unification of the rules of tennis. After several rounds of consultations, the parties finally on behalf of the sport venues, equipment, and play games and so on has made consistent, and the formation of a unified rule. In about 1878, most of the British tennis club have gradually carried out in accordance with the new play, for training and competition.

In 1874, Bermuda vacation Maliaote President of the United States in the bridge to watch the British officers of tennis, this sport interesting, so will the rules of tennis, tennis and taken to the net to shoot in New York. In the United States, the sport was first in the eastern part of the school carried out, and soon spread to Central, Western, which has been popular in the United States. At this time the sport has evolved from the grass in the sand, cement floor, held tar game on the ground, the "tennis (Tennis)" to gradually substitute the name "lawn tennis (LawnTennis)" name, which is Today, tennis (Tennis) the origin of the name.

Modern tennis initial stage of the women are often excluded on the grounds that the sport is not suitable for women. At the same time that women's participation in the sport, indecent. Therefore, early tennis tournament with only two men's singles and doubles, women's tennis is not set up the project. However, a number of female athletes not only have the courage to break through public opinion and to obstruct the family, and the technical level of some of the more than men. In some informal singles matches often occur on one side are the men, on the other side is the female players. This forced some of the tennis club had to get rid of the ban to allow women to participate in this campaign. So from the beginning of 1879 the birth of a mixed race, the women's own efforts.

In 1878, the first men's doubles championships to be held in England. In 1879, the first women's singles and mixed doubles matches to be held in Ireland. In 1884, an increase of Wimbledon women's singles and men's doubles championship. 1913 also increased women's doubles and mixed doubles championships.

In 1881, there have been the world's first national tennis association, the United States National Lawn Tennis Association ( "National" should be canceled in 1920). The year will be from August 31 to September 3, in Newport, Rhode Island in Hong Kong held its first session of the United States Lawn Tennis men's singles and men's doubles championship, the use of the Wimbledon tournament rules, to participate in the competition's 26 People.

U.S. Chairman of the National Network of grassland and the United States men's singles champion Dwight Sears, also participated in the first Wimbledon Championships overseas athletes.

In 1887, held the United States Lawn Tennis Championships women's singles, women's doubles and mixed doubles respectively at the beginning of 1890 and 1892.

In 1891, France held the first men's singles and men's doubles championship, the participants limited to citizens of France, women's singles began in 1897.

In 1900, the 21-year-old American tennis player Davis, in order to promote the development of modern tennis, donated a gold in the village of large silver bowl, known as the Davis Cup. It later became the highest international prestige tennis men's team championship trophy of a permanent flow. The annual championship team and the team's name engraved on the Cup, when in 1920 the name of Keman, Davis also donated a box pad, after the addition of two pallets.

In 1904, Australia Lawn Tennis Association and in 1905 began hosting the tournament in Australia, set the men's singles, men's doubles of the two projects. 1922 also increased women's singles, women's doubles and three mixed doubles. France Tennis Championships, Wimbledon Championships Britain, the United States and Australia Tennis Championships tennis tournament together the world's most prestigious "Grand Slam" tennis tournament. Any one player or group of players doubles in the same season, won four championship titles, will be "grand slam" winner of the honor.

March 1, 1913, from 12 countries such as Australia's tennis association representatives, was set up in Paris, the International Tennis Federation (ITF), to coordinate the activities of the International Tennis arranged schedule of matches throughout the year, amendments to the rules of tennis and oversee its implementation . In 1919, drawing a "seed". In 1927, Britain's first seamless tennis, so that the ball speed up. In 1945 to 60 years, tended to professional tennis. In 1963 launched the women's team event - the Federation Cup. 1968 Wimbledon first practice is not to distinguish between amateur and professional athletes participating in the system. In 1972, the international men's professional tennis players Association. In 1973, the International Women's Tennis Association.

In 1896 in Athens, held the first modern Olympic Games, tennis men's singles and doubles is listed as an official event. Later, as the International Olympic Committee and the International Tennis Federation in the "amateur athlete" on the issue of differences has been going on for the seventh consecutive Olympic tennis event has been canceled. Until the Los Angeles Olympic Games, tennis was as performances. To the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, tennis was re-classified as an official event.

As the most primitive origins of the sport is on the court, so the points system materials is understandable. They can take the clock struck to score, each will have a clock at a quarter turn, is 15 points (a quarter, minute), the same token, a clock will be set aside two hours to 30 hours Of course, all of them are based on convenience. That's 15 points, 30 points of origin.

As for the 40 minutes, compared with its strange, it is not a multiple of 15. This is because in English, read for 15 minutes "fifteen", for the two-syllable, and read for 30 minutes "thirty", is also a two-syllable; but 45 hours to study English as "forty-five", turned into three Syllable, when the British feel a bit hard to pronounce, is not in line with the "convenience", then put it into the same for the two-syllable of the 40 (forty). This is what it seems illogical and 40 minutes of the origin.

Although this method of calculation and it seems a little odd, but still follow the traditional use ever since, after all, we all have become accustomed to this method of calculation from the court.













1913年3月1日,由澳大利亚等12个国家的网球协会代表,在巴黎成立了国际网球联合会(ITF),协调国际网球活动,安排全年比赛日程表,修订网球规则并监督它的执行。 1919年,抽签采用“种子”制度。1927年,英国首创无缝网球,使球速加快。1945年至60年代,网球趋向职业化。1963年开始举办女子团体赛——联合会杯赛。1968年温布尔登首先实行不区分业余选手和职业选手的参赛制度。1972年,国际男子职业网球选手协会成立。1973年,国际女子网球协会成立。


因为最原始的网球运动是起源于宫廷之中,所以计分方法就地取材是可以理解的。他们拿可以拨动的时钟来计分,每得一次分就将时钟转动四分之一,也就是15分(a quarter,一刻),同理,得两次分就将时钟拨至30分,当然一切都是以他们的方便为基础。这就是15分、30分的由来。






另外,你没说你是直板还是横板,直板是否比较熟练直板横打等等。因为这对配胶是很有影响的。如果你是横板(我就是),要弥补反手的天生缺陷,必须要配一块涩性、很弹、海绵较硬的套胶。这样的套胶国内不好找。国外的内能套胶符合条件的很多。鉴于你要求比较便宜,我推荐 瑞典产的 名为 克拉克SP(CRACK)品牌的内能套胶。这块套胶很弹,售价很便宜,只要65左右(网店更低,但加运费也差不多了),这块套胶很适合配OC的反手,价格也不贵。

关于挑板,可以从 一看,二称,三击打,三招来评价一块底板:



三击打:这个其实最关键,以上两点都是表象,这一点才是考验“内心”----底板的“大芯”的时候。一块好的底板肯定有一块坚实有力的大芯(芯材)。这个在购买的时候怎么考验呢?办法是有的:随身带一个乒乓球。在挑选一块OC-CR时,拿起这个球,用候选球拍,像打羽毛网球一样(稍有点夸张),抡开大臂将球以最大力量击打出去!这个时候,你的力量应该是可以打透大芯的。通过反馈到你手上的感觉,就可以评判这块底板的大芯的优劣:好的OC-CR应该是先软后硬,击穿大芯后可以得到清脆的手感!反之:劣等的大芯则会出现声音发闷的现象。这时你就可以选择有清脆手感的底板。 如果以上的一、二点和第三点冲突,则优先选择第三点!毕竟内心比表象重要。(比如银河的底板表面功夫都不错,但大芯很差!)





